My new post...
You see this? This is my new fucking post. You know what that means? I'm getting some fucking hits tonight. My boys, they're all forwarding the same post, they're getting some fucking hits tonight. I'm gonna type on every fucking keypad that falls on my lap. I'm gonna type until my hand falls off.
Solja Boi needs to die, right now..
He needs to be hung up by his balls and executed in a style and manner befitting of an 18th century witch hunt. It's people like him that make the terrorists hate us more and more each day. Based on that kind of logic, one might even say that people like Solja Boi are responsible for 9/11 itself.
Fuck Kwanzaa...
Nobody fucking cares! Even 99.999% of black people don't care. And the 00.001% that do consist solely of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and that African dude in your office that makes you put up that Kwanzaa-style menorah with the fruity colors on it, or else "his people" will get offended. Says him.
Will Ferrall needs to quit while he's ahead...
Just quit now, take your millions of dollars, and end on a high-note. Don't continue to make comedies based on obscure sports. Don't end up continuing a downward spiral like so many other SNL allum. Dan Akroyd or Chevy Chase anyone? Need I remind you all about Blues Brothers 2000?
The End: Part I(original idea)...
I simply am just out of steam. A man can continue writing on an almost daily basis for so long before he gives in. While i'll regret giving this up every time I get a rant in my head that needs venting. I have always held true to the belief that people will think of you better if you leave them wanting more. Also, I don't want to keep going if I can't be on a schedule that allows me to post on a semi-daily basis. And with that I bid you farewell.....for now.